As part of a religion assignment, I had to visit churches of two denominations of Christianity. I usually go to a Catholic church so I decided to visit an Anglican one for the experience. My mum came with me and when we got there, everyone started talking to us in a different language. When we didn't/couldn't respond, they explained that this was an Indonesian Anglican service and I face palmed myself mentally. Never mind this, everyone from the church came up to us, shaking our hands and introducing themselves, they were the most friendly bunch of people I'd ever met! Luckily, they explained, they had a live translation system set up at the back of the church and my mum and I sat there, with headphones on as a young Indonesian woman translated the whole service for us in English.
What an experience that was, sitting through an Anglican sermon with headphones on! All the songs were in Indonesian and my mum and I politely swayed to the upbeat music as the rows of people in front of us sang their hearts out. It was endearing to watch and everyone was so nice and welcoming, I shook about 20 hands and forgot about 20 names (sorry, I'm terrible with names!). The youth there were also extremely friendly and invited me to join their youth service next time. I guess what I mean to say is, I never knew how different (and awesome!) other denominations of Christianity were until then and they made me feel so welcome and happy! Shout out to my mum for coming along for the 2 hour service, your patience is much appreciated! <3
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