Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The Disinhibition Effect

My rather unexciting life leads to rather unexciting posts, so I apologise in advance. You see, there are only a few things I do on a regular basis; go to school, read books, write stuff, eat (a lot) and study. That's very sad, you're saying, that's the most boring routine I've ever heard of. Well whatever. Go away. 

As I was flipping through my legal studies textbook, I encountered something quite shocking. The Disinhibition Effect. More specifically, the Online Disinhibition Effect. Now, this might be old news to you, but for me, I was like WOAH. This effect thing is me in a nutshell right now. For those of you who don't know what this is, according to Wikipedia, "The online disinhibition effect is a loosening (or complete abandonment) of social restrictions and inhibitions that would otherwise be present in normal face-to-face interaction during interactions with others on the Internet." 

I've spilled quite a chunk of my personal thoughts that I would most likely not say to someone in real life on this blog. Does anyone even read this? *shrugs* Either way, it's weird how I'm okay with sharing these thoughts on the internet and allowing people from all over the world to see my deepest darkest secrets, yet I would hesitate to say them out loud to a friend.  It doesn't take a genius to figure out why cyberbullying is so common, you feel almost invincible behind a screen, you could say anything and it seems like no one would judge you. Let's be more careful from now on, yes?

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand! (er not quite..) But the alien picture is creative!
