![You can reverse the "expectations" and "reality" half the time- I can fail badly even when I study hard!! #studyhard](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/71/2b/bb/712bbb9c092553555b6d644afed4387b.jpg)
Finally it's school holidays! Unfortunately for some, like me, it won't be much of a holiday with the crazy amount of work I have to get done before term 3 starts. I also tend to procrastinate at extremely high levels, in fact I believe I'm a black belt at procrastination.
From everything I've told you, it may seem like I am the last person to give study tips and you're probably right! I don't trust my own advice, so nor should you. But just for laughs why not bear with me as I unleash my wisest thoughts on the internet:
1. Make a study timetable! I've created one for my three week holiday, listing all the things I will complete each day. If I stick to it for the next 21 days I will be amazed.
2. Have a cup of tea and some snacks beside you as you work. I find it helps to have something to munch on as I do some calculus or write about the Haber process.
3. Set some short term goals and reward yourself. For me, having a particular university in mind is too long term, I need to slowly make my way up that ladder with small goals. For example, I'll say to myself, once I finish these questions I'll eat that Mars Bar or when I've summarised all my Economics I will watch the FIFA World Cup Match Replay on TV. (these are real examples from my life)
4. Listen to your parents. They do know best, even if their chiding gets on your nerves, they mean well. I have rather pushy parents, maybe I'll appreciate it more in the future but right now I'll take their advice even if I don't like it.
5. Don't cram! It's such an obvious tip but we all do it anyway. I do it much too often and the results have never been good. The time you spend procrastinating or wondering whether or not you should do something is time wasted. You could be studying for chemistry! Why would you ever give up that option? SARCASM OVERLOAD.
If you're smart, you will realise that by posting this, I am effectively procrastinating. I would rather give sarcastic study tips then study myself. That is a fact. I will now leave you with this inspirational quote below:
Haha! I mean true that! Who doesn't procrastinate in the holidays? For all that I know, I DO!